Oks, M., Gröning, S. und B. Grüter (2006) On the Streets- Erfahrungen mit einem mobilen Spiel. UMME Symposium, Urban Media – Mobile Experience at the University of Applied Sciences Augsburg, 16.November 2006
Grüter, B. (2006). Entwicklung der Formen – Formen der Entwicklung. Kolloquium Artec Lab, Universität Bremen, 23. Juni 2006
Grüter, B. (2006). Mobile Gaming Experience – Theory and Method of Experience Design. Positionspaper presented at the International Conference for Human-Computer Interaction CHI 2006 Interact. Inform. Inspire. Workshop Theory and Method of Experience Design. in Montreal Canada from April 22-27, 2006
Grüter, B., Gröning, S., Milszus, W., Oks, M. & O. Schneider (2006). Mobile Gaming Experience – Working on an Empirical Prototype. Workshop User Experience – Towards a unified view . NordiCHI 200&: The Fourth Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. October 14-18th, 2006, Oslo, Norway. Workshop Proceedings
Grüter, B. (2006). Mobile Gaming Experience – Theory and Method of Experience Design. Positions paper presented at the International Conference for Human-Computer Interaction CHI 2006 Interact. Inform. Inspire. Workshop Theory and Method of Experience Design. in Montreal Canada from April 22-27, 2006
Grüter, B. (2006). Spielen – Gestalten -. Spiele gestalten. Vortrag auf dem Symposium Gestaltung des internationalen hochschulübergreifenden Studienprogramms Digitale Medien veranstaltet von der Hochschule für Künste, 17. Februar 2006
Grüter, B. (2005) Experience – defining, understanding, designing. Positionpaper International Conference Digital Experience, Design, Aesthetics, Practice, DAC 2005). Workshop: The Theory and Practice of Experience Design, Copenhagen, November 30th 2005
Grüter, B. & A. Mielke (2005) Mobile Gaming – Experience Design. Paper presented at The 3rd international conference on pervasive computing – Workshop: user experience design for pervasive computing, Munich, May 11th 2005, http://www.fluidum.org/events/experience05/
Grüter, B. (2005) Experience – defining, understanding, designing. Presentation at The International Conference Digital Experience, Design, Aesthetics, Practice, DAC 2005). Workshop: The Theory and Practice of Experience Design, Copenhagen, November 30th 2005
Grüter, B. (2005). Concept and Experiences of the International, Inter-University Study Programme Digital Media. Presentation at the University Jyväskulä September 14th 2005