Hajinejad,  N., Grüter, B., Bogutzky, S., & H.-R. Vatterrott (2013) GangKlang: designing walking experiences. Presented at the AM ’13: Proceedings of the 8th Audio Mostly Conference: A Conference on Interaction with Sound. Sep 18, 2013 – Sep 20, 2013 in PiteÃ¥, Sweden. In Press.
Herrlich, M., Grüter, B., Grimm, P., Konert, J.: Workshop Entertainment Computing. Mensch & Computer Workshopband 2013: 245-247
Jordan, K. O., Sheptykin, I., & Grüter, B. (2013). Identification of structural landmarks in a park using movement data collected in a locationÂbased game. In Proceedings of The First ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Computational Models of Place  COMP ’13 (pp. 1–8). New York, New York, USA: ACM Press. doi:10.1145/2534848.2534853
Grüter, B. (2013). Landmarken Mobiler Unterhaltung. Ergebnisbericht. Abschlussfeier des Projektes Hochschule Bremen am 13. Dezember 2013
Grüter, B., Bogutsky, S., Hajinejad, N. (2013). On Building a Model of Flow-Experience while Walking. 2nd Meeting European Flow-Researchers’ Network, Workshop „Psychophysiology and Flow“, University of Brighton, School of Health Professions, Friday, 29th November – Saturday, 30th November
Grüter, B. Worpenberg, A., Sheptykin, Y., Lochwitz, A. & H.-R. Vatterrott (2013) Das Mobile Game Lab der Hochschule Bremen – ein Netzwerk für Spieler, Forscher und Entwickler. Rundbrief 110 Film und Medienbüro Niedersachsen.
Grüter B., Hajinejad N., Sheptykin I. Mobile Game Play & the Everyday Life. In Angelides M. C.: Handbook of Digital Games, Wiley-IEEE Press ISBN: 978-1-118-32803-3 (annouced October 2013.)
Grüter, B. (2013) Activity Theory & Mobile Interaction. Symposium, Graduiertenkolleg Advances in Digital Media, Uni Bremen, 10. April 2013
Grüter, B. (2013) Activity Theory & Mobile Interaction. Venew Conference: Digital Media in Urban Space March18th – 19th, 2013, Bremen
Grüter, B.(2013)  On Flow while Walking. Workshop On Psychophysiology of FLOW Meeting, March 4th, 2013 Hochschule Bremen.